



To heighten awareness to understand fully an animal’s needs, care and welfare. Horseracing is the ideal medium to take the lead in this where horse and man compete as one at a high level on the racetrack through the competition in races. This is a highly skilled profession make no mistake about that. Not easy to learn at all, although when done well it looks so easy, this is deceptive. Joe Public appear to have great difficulty in understanding what this is all about, very difficult to get across to people … they do not understand. The vast majority of people out there do not grasp what this is all about at all in the main. This being part of the problem.

Total reform is needed to bring this neglected industry/sport to order. Its image on the racetracks may look all glamour / glitter, but behind the scenes far too many of its vital workforce necessities and needs are being overlooked and ignored causing hardship beyond all reason. The only people qualified to tackle this job and to set it to rights, are the proven professional top horsemen and horsewomen in it. NO ONE ELSE QUALIFIES AT THIS LEVEL TO “SET THIS ONE FAIR” FULL STOP.

To call together all Top Horsemen and Horsewomen
proven at the top of this profession requesting their concentration thoughts and suggestions over the best way to tackle the present dire situation. That there be put in place at this top level a team of such personnel to uphold all rights at this key level. Due to the fact that this has not been the case and is not the case at present, it want’s to be made the case directly and pretty quick.

Jock tutoring a yearling for Clive Brittain

Here where Man and Beast compete as one.
In all the preparation’s for the track, and in competition on the track. The wellbeing needs of both must be fairly upheld at all times. Monty Roberts, who was introduced to Britain by The Queen, has made fantastic strides world wide in addressing the true balance of understanding between horse and man to eradicate fear cruelty and ignorance. Providing a clear and wonderful insight through his books, his documentary films and his actual demonstrations. Showing how wonderful the true partnership between man and beast can and should always aim to be.

This unique partnership when equally shared
is a fantastic work of art achievement at the highest level. Could this become the eighth wonder of the world during this new millennium ?. Many more documentary films of this sort are urgently needed in this country and throughout the world of horseracing to heighten awareness to others whose lives are touched by these beautiful creatures and indeed the rights of all living creatures.

Turfcall defines the two disciplines … Fettered and Unfettered.
To cut out all brute force and ignorance using heavy fines and stricter monitoring practices to address fully all accidents injuries and deaths to both horses and personnel. To tackle and stop practices exposed by Monty Roberts in his Blushing E.T documentary. eg. Who was responsible for the cruel state Blushing E.T. had been reduced to and suffered ? Matters such as these need a full time investigative professional team of top horsemen / horsewomen to get matters of this nature sorted out. Those responsible sent for re-training and correction.

If thoroughbred racehorses are to be able to reach their true potential
they need to be nurtured and cared for by skilled personnel who know what they are doing as true horsemen or horsewomen then and only then are they spared from the abuse suffering and pain of ignorance that blight and waist their lives. Awareness at this level now needs to be structured to ensure that this is fully understood, realised and respected with incentive and recognition to uphold. A thorough 5 year training program from the outset, with further structured specialist tutorials/ courses thereafter.


a b o u t
t u r f c a l l

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Updated 29-Jun-2010

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