
Dated February 14th 2001
Save Our True Professional Horsemen and Horsewomen Now
A Dying Profession
February 14th 2001 - All these facts were bought to light.
Now to date August 2013 - 14 years on there has been absolutely no action taken to sort any of these issues out.
1. INTRODUCTION - February 14th 2001
Regarding In particular the proven professional horsemen and horsewomen working at the top of this profession.
Turfcall’s aim and purpose is to bring “The Back Stage Performers” directly to
centre stage here, to uphold all their rights and those of the beautiful creatures in their care.
Mystiko and Jock Newmarket - 01/06/1991 at exercise just days before winning the 2000 Guineas, trained by Clive Brittain for
The Dowager Lady Beaverbrook.
TURFCALL points out the following serious problems in dire need of change:-
(a) 2001 Meagre levels of pay - 2013 Government dictates that highly skilled horsemen are only to be paid the minimum wage.
(b) 2001 Scant recognition or reward - 2013 political ignorance dictates these highly skilled horsemen who are still locked into the British politcal poverty trap
(c) In many cases nil to poor accommodation
(d) 2001 - Long hours and very little time off - 2013 top horsemen to be treated like slaves unrecognised for their skills
(e) 2001 - Inconsistent levels of training for youngsters starting out - 2013 no backup support in place, no true career structure in place, no wage structure for skills achieved.
(f) 2001 - No obvious career development structure - 2013 polical ignorance denies a true Equis Zone facility in a pioneering global sport
(g) 2001 - Trainers left to fund the lot whilst other sections of the industry take all the benefits and cream off most of the profits - 2013 political theft and negligence on a massive scale in a highly dangerous sport
(h) All skilled work riders, yearling and two year old handlers and riders at the top of their profession, at present seriously overworked, and grossly underpaid, unrecognised in the main for most of their fantastic achievements. Now in an ever decreasing minority due to being unable to continue to live on such poor pay. To ask them further to take the learners under their wing allotted to the trainers teams for work experience, must surely be not only unacceptable, but grossly unfair to all parties including the horses. 2013 political ignorance and negligence beyond all belief
2001 The British Horseracing Authority and the politcal British Government have failed to address any of this. WHY?
2013 - 12 years on, still nothing happens! We are told that this is a multi billion pound industry that cannot afford to pay a fair wage for the true horsemen's skills achieved. More Fob Off, Rip Off, Lip Service, Power Abuse and Corruption at the Top Table |

Clive Brittain’s string homeward bound from exercise. Newmarket June 1st 1991 . Leadhorse Terimon partnered by Tony (right), with Mystiko owned by Lady Beaverbrook partnered by Jock.(redjacket) just day’s before Mystiko went on to win the 1991 2000 Guineas.
Wednesday June 19th 2013
5 .00 Queen Mary Stakes 5f (2yo's) (Fillies)
511 RIZEENA (IRE) 2 8-12 partner JAMES DOYLE
bf Ilfraaj - Serena's Storm
trainer Clive Brittain owner Sheikh Rashid Dalmook Al Maktoum
a b o u t
t u r f c a l l |
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Clive Brittain's book
The Smiling Pioneer
by Robin Oakley
"He's always in tune with his horses - he could just feel it"
Willie Carson
"He was the true pioneer in travelling horses and his record is the envy of most of us"
William Haggas
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